In the fall of 2024 we purchased a small lot of postcards for A Seekonk Museum, among them was a single Where Life is Worth Living card. The phrase stood out; pretty dark! A reverse image search led to a similar card from Springfield, MA which not only had the same phrase and layout, but also the same inset photo of a river, trees, and bridge. Curious as to why, we began a collection of WLIWL cards.

Around the 1910s, printers such as Auburn Post Marketing Company, M. L. Zercher, Cross & Co's, and the prolific NYCE Post Card Co. would drop off samples and blanks at local drug stores and a postcard craze boomed. Lots to think about here. Capitalism, profit motives, image projection, class, falsehoods...we’ll get there. For now though, just collecting the postcards.

Marketing Samples & Blanks


Detroit, MI was one of several locations to officially adopt “Where Life is Worth Living” as a local motto. Over the years many postcards were produced depicting the Naval Flower Bed at Grand Circus Park.